Use Cuff Pressure Algometry to study deep tissue pain and central mechanisms behind pain sensitisation. LabBench provides the CPAR+ algometer that can be used for automated algometry protocols focused on bilateral pain thresholds, temporal and spatial summation, and conditioning pain modulation.
Use Nerve Excitability Testing to study the biophysical mechanisms in small and large sensory nerve fibres in vivo. LabBench provides the software and hardware to determine perception thresholds to electrical stimuli. Automized LabBench protocols to obtain peripheral nerve fibre excitability measures, such as the strength-duration relation and the accommodation properties.
Quantitative Sensory Testing with probes such as two-point discrimination discs, grating orientation probes, or Semmes-Weinstein Monofilaments to study the function of mechanoreceptive fibres. We provide software to estimate perception thresholds and psychometric functions with adaptive methods.
Our goal is to create open and novel research devices for neuroscience.
Inventors' Way ApS
Niels Jernes Vej 10
DK9220 Aalborg, Denmark
CVR.NR. 37596108
Copyright© Inventors' Way ApS